Mokokchung, 22 April (MTNews): Clark Theological College (CTC) observed its 49th Graduation Day on April 21st, during which 124 students graduated with various degrees, diplomas, and certificates. Rev Dr Rodinmawia Ralte, Secretary of BTESSC (Board of Theological Education of the Senate of Serampore College) and Dean of SCEPTER (Senate Centre for Extension and Pastoral Theological Research), Senate of Serampore College (University) delivered the graduation address.

CTC convocation

He addressed the graduates as servants of God and allegorized the graduates as a plot of donated land for the mission of God. He said, “Christian leadership is about servanthood leadership. We should have the ability and leadership to be a servant, using Jesus as an example.” He said, “Christian ministry is not doing; it is living.” He urged the graduates to develop biblical leadership and not to seek positions or money.

Of the 124 graduating students, 37 were conferred the degree of Master of Theology, 77 were conferred Bachelor of Divinity (BD), and 7 were conferred a Diploma in Church Music Ministry. Besides the degrees and diplomas conferred, students were also awarded different awards and certificates. On behalf of the graduates, two toppers, Miss Manensanglan, MTh and Miss Matsunginla, BD delivered speeches on behalf of the graduates.

The graduating students presented a special song titled “Thrive.” The program was chaired by Dr Toshitemjen, Associate Professor, and the introduction and welcome address was presented by Prof. Rev Dr A Temjen Jamir, Principal of Clark Theological College.

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