There are more than seventy thousand individuals seeking employment opportunities as per the latest statistics on unemployment in Nagaland as of June 2023. This data was provided by T Yimlikhumzuk Sangtam, District Employment Officer (DEO), Mokokchung while speaking at an Outreach Program organized by District Employment Exchange today.

He stated that the latest statistics on unemployment in the state were a matter of serious concern. The DEO also commended the ITI for its invaluable contribution to vocational education and encouraged the students to make informed career choices.


ITI Mokokchung


The event, ‘Outreach Programme on Career Talk and Promoting the National Career Service’ was held at the Industrial Training Institute (ITI), Mokokchung. The event was aimed at empowering students and promoting self-reliance through career guidance and information and was conducted by the District Employment Exchange/Model Career Centre, Mokokchung.

Er Imlisunep, ITI, Principal opened the program, addressing the audience with inspiring words, setting the tone for the day’s discussions.

The highlight of the event was the Career Talk session and the promotion of National Career Service (NCS) by Mr Yapang Jamir, a Young Professional from the Model Career Centre, Mokokchung, affiliated with the Ministry of Labour and Employment under the NCS project. He shared insights into the various services provided by the National Career Service, offering students a roadmap to achieving self-independence after the completion of their ITI courses.

Approximately 82 students enthusiastically attended the seminar, engaging in meaningful discussions and gaining valuable insights into their future career prospects. The event underscored the commitment of the District Employment Exchange/Model Career Centre Mokokchung in facilitating the career growth and self-reliance of the youth in the Mokokchung district.

The success of the Outreach Programme on Career Talk and Promotion of National Career Service highlights the importance of informed career choices and the role of NCS in empowering the youth to shape their future. The District Employment Exchange/Model Career Centre looks forward to organizing more such events to support the career aspirations of the students in the district.

Mokokchung Times

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