Kohima, September 6 (MTNews): Model Christian College, Kohima, conducted its Literary Day on the 3rd of September, 2022, at the College auditorium. The program was observed under the theme ‘Alter Crescendo’. Dr. Nungshikokla Jamir, the Vice Principal of the College was the speaker for the event.
Dr. Nungshikokla, in her exhortation speech encouraged the students to have ‘a faculty of mind, soul and spirit’ and further encouraged them to ‘learn with a purpose.’ She further stated that the main purpose of conducting a literary day is to give opportunities to liberate their thoughts and develop skills to speak their minds in different ways. Learning is a lifelong process and she stressed on how literary creativeness has always been the means to attain wisdom.
The competitions for the day included extempore speech, solo dance, slam poetry, essay, painting, spell bee, and impersonation. The students were divided into five groups. The North-Eastern Elites emerged as the overall champion.
The day’s event concluded with results declaration by Assistant Professor, Imlibenla Longkumer, the coordinator of Literary Committee and vote of thanks delivered by Kezevino, Literary Secretary, MCCSU.