According to data released by Kaushal Kishore, Minister of Housing and Urban Affairs in a written response to Dr Amar Patnaik on December 12 in the Parliament, the number of houses sanctioned for Nagaland under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana – Urban (PMAY-U) is 32,335.


Reportedly, 32,100 houses have been grounded for construction while the number of houses completed is 10,849.


According to the Minister, the Central Assistance Sanctioned for Nagaland is Rs. 511.02 crore and the Central Assistance Released is Rs. 306.98 crore.


The data showed that Uttar Pradesh has benefitted the most under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Urban (PMAY-U), constructing the highest number of affordable housing units while Sikkim has built the least number of houses when it comes to state-wise.


Kishore claimed that the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) is providing Central Assistance under PMAY-U since June 25, 2015 to provide pucca house with basic amenities to all eligible urban beneficiaries through four verticals, viz. Beneficiary Led Construction (BLC), Affordable Housing in Partnership (AHP), In-Situ Slum Redevelopment (ISSR) and Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme (CLSS). A total of 122.69 lakh houses were sanctioned till 31st March 2022.


He also stated that the Scheme has been extended till 31 December 2024 for completion of houses sanctioned up to 31 March, 2022.


During the extended period no additional houses will be sanctioned. However, within the overall ceiling of 122.69 lakh houses, States/Union Territories (UTs) are allowed to curtail the sanctioned non-starter BLC/AHP/ISSR houses and replace them with new BLC houses.


According to him, the completion time of the houses generally takes 12 to 18 months for BLC houses and 24 to 36 months in case of AHP/ISSR verticals of the Scheme.

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