A team of 10 members from Mokokchung Town Baptist Church led by Yanglo Pongen and Monglier, associate pastors, went to Solo/Chiu village in Naga Self Administered Zone, Myanmar with relief supplies on February 8 and returned back on February 11. An unfortunate fire accident in the village reduced 75 houses to cinders on February 2, leaving more than a 100 families homeless. Three medical practitioners stationed in Noklak also joined the MTBA team during their visit.


Members of the MTBA team with Solo/Chiu villagers (Sitting, L-R): Mr. Pona Deacon; Mr Yanglo Pongen, Associate Pastor, MTBA; Mr. Monglier, Associate Pastor, MTBA; Mr. Moa Deacon; Mr. Imrong, Ao Senso President, Noklak; Mr. Sashi Deacon; Mr Among MTBA Driver; Dr. Among, Noklak. (Standing, L-R): Ms. Jungshila, Nurse; Dr. Aren; Ms. Benjongsenla, Youth Mentor, MTBA; Dr Ajung Noklak, with some Solo/Chiu villagers.



Children are seen here having food outdoors on February 10 after their house was razed down by fire in Solo/Chiu village, Naga Self Administered Zone, Myanmar. The accidental fire destroyed 75 houses in the village, affecting more than a hundred families. Mokokchung Town Baptist Church visited the village with relief materials recently.



MTBA team distributing relief materials to victims of the Solo/Chiu village fire accident.



The villagers are rebuilding their homes and life is slowly limping back to normal after the fire accident.



Mokokchung Times

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