BAN Longleng Chapter


Mokokchung, February 25 (MTNews): The Business Association of Nagas (BAN) launched its district chapters in Tuensang and Longleng on 23rd and 24th February 2022 respectively. General Secreta ry of BAN, Dr. Yan Murry, in a press note said that the association had long felt the need for installation of district chapters so as to connect with Naga entrepreneurs throughout the state. Lemjan Phom was appointed district convenor of Longleng chapter and P Chingmak Chang was appointed district convenor of Tuensang chapter. The district chapters will comprise of five coordinators representing services, manufacturing, agriculture, education and trading sectors, it was informed.


BAN Tuensang Chapter



The launch programme in Longleng was held at the meeting hall of Phom Baptist Christian Association (PBCA), Lempong. Executive Secretary of PBCA, Tialemba Phom, offered the dedicatory prayer for the district chapter. In Tuensang, the launch programme was held at CKS Hall where the Executive Secretary of Chang Baptist Lashong Thangyen, Rev. Achu Chang, offered the dedicatory prayer. BAN team led by president L Mongkum Jamir were present at the launching programmes.


Earlier on 22nd February, BAN launched its Mokokchung district chapter at Hotel Whispering Winds, Mokokchung.

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