Kohima, 27 February (MTNews): Nagaland Legislator Achumbemo Kikon has urged the state assembly to adopt a resolution for the integration of Naga contiguous areas. Taking part in the discussions on the motion of thanks to the governor’s address, Kikon said his party, the Naga Peoples Front, is sincerely committed to resolving the Naga Political Issue and believes in integrating the Naga-inhabited areas.

Kikon recalled that the Nagaland Legislative Assembly (NLA) had passed resolutions six times in the past on this matter. He reiterated that all legislators, in the opposition-less government of Nagaland, are earnest about resolving the longstanding Naga Political issue.

Kikon also disagreed with Advisor Imkong L Imchen’s support for fencing the border areas, stating that the NPF party fully objects to such a proposition as it divides the Naga people without their consent and asserted the political rights of the Nagas.

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