SMC/SMDC training held under EBRC Mokokchung Village and Khensa: Key highlights
Mokokchung Times News
Mokokchung | March 2
A one-day block level SMC/SMDC training was held under EBRC Mokokchung Village and Khensa, at Ongpangkong Salang, Arkong ward, Mokokchung, to create awareness about the role of SMC/SMDC in implementing the National Education Policy 2020 and to encourage community co-operation in the school development plan.
SMC or School Management Committee comprises of the following members: a Chairman from the village or ward, Head of Institution or a senior most teacher as the Secretary, a women member, a student member and some members from the parents.
SMDC or School Management and Development Committee comprises of the Headmaster/Principal as the chairman, a teacher as the Secretary, some members from the parents and ward community.
Mokokchung district has Six EBRC or Educational Block Resource Centers namely, Mokokchung block, Khensa block, Changtongya block, Kubolong block, Mangkolemba block and Watiyim block.
The training was organized by Samagra Shiksha Nagaland with resource persons Dr. Bijano Odyuo, Joint Mission Director, Samagra Shiksha, Nagaland, and Imtimeren, Assistant Coordinator, Samagra Shiksha, Nagaland.
‘Samagra Shiksha’ is an overarching program for the school education sector, extending from pre-school to class 12, to broaden the goal of improving school effectiveness measured in terms of equal opportunities for schooling and equitable learning outcomes. It subsumes the three schemes of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) and Teacher Education (TE).
The training was held using PowerPoint presentation where various schemes and programs for Out of School Children, Out of School Youths, and Inclusive Education for Special Children were highlighted. The presentation also discussed the significance of proper filling up of UDISE+ through which funds are allocated for infrastructural development of schools from Delhi.
Key Takeaways from the Training:
Various initiatives taken by the ministry to ensure no children is barred from quality education:
- 15 Special Designation Training Center in Mokokchung for Out of School Children (6-14 years)
- 3 month course free vocational training centers for Out of School Youth (15-29 years). Currently, 53 schools provide vocational training in Nagaland under 9 subjects such as: Agriculture, Automotive, IT, Tourism & hospitality, Healthcare, Beauty and Wellness etc.
- By 2025, 50% of the schools in Nagaland should have vocational training centers
- Inclusive Education for Special Children where assistance in the form of artificial limbs, hearing aids and direct transfer of special allowances to special children will be provided.
- Home tuition to be provided to special children. Services for Special children can be availed at
- So far, only 42 Special Education Teacher have been employed in Nagaland although the target is to have 92 special education teachers.
- A Child-friendly library must in all schools.
- State to introduce Virtual Reality lab in 42 secondary schools
- Atal Tinkering Laboratory to be initiated
- Zero incinerating toilet for girls in Nagaland so far
To improve the quality of education, Dr. Bijano Odyuo urged for community support in ensuring the goals of National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020) is attained. She suggested the community to check on the irregularities of the teachers, shortage of teachers, transparency and proper running of schools.
She further highlighted how the participation of SMC and SMDC can make Nipun Bharat Mission a successful mission, which aims to ensure that all students should be able to read and do simple numerical calculations by the end of 2025.
Speaking on UDISE+, Imtimeren highlighted that most schools in Nagaland provides improper data on UDISE+ which is also one of the factors why the development funds for school infrastructure are not allocated by the ministry. He also informed that the funds are allocated basing only on the UDISE+ data and hence, urged the head teachers to effectively use the platform.
“UDISE+ is an updated and improved version of UDISE and is one of the largest Management Information Systems on school education. It was launched in 2018-2019 to collect the school details about factors related to a school and its resources. It helps measure the education parameters from classes 1 to 12 in government and private schools across India. It covers more than 1.5 million schools, 8.5 million teachers and 250 million children.”
The training was conducted on the same day at Changtongya block by the same organization and is scheduled to be conducted in Kubolong, Mangkolemba and Watiyim on March 3, 4 and 5 respectively.