Mokokchung, March 5 (MTNews): With the long awaited 3rd Cycle of the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) Peer team’s visit to Fazl Ali College, Mokokchung, just less than a month away, the college conducted a Mock Peer Team visit program on the 5th of March 2022 as a preparatory drill for the faculty, staffs and students of the institution.


The mock assessment was conducted with Dr. Visakhonu Hibo, Principal, Japfu Christian College (JCC), Kigwema, as the Mock Peer Assessor along with 3 IQAC members from JCC as members.


The meeting started with a presentation from Dr. Temjenwabang, Principal, Fazl Ali College on the curriculum, the students, the various departments, infrastructure and other facilities available in the college. In the second phase of the program, Dr. Lanurenla, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) Coordinator gave an analysis of the previous 2nd cycle of the NAAC Team Report 2015, and pointed out the many aspects such as student progression, infrastructure, extension activities, student participation, faculty empowerment strategies, environmental consciousness, etc., where the college had progressed since the last cycle of assessment. The HODs of 16 departments also presented their respective departments’ report for the last 5 years. The Mock Peer Team also interacted with student leaders and the non-teaching staffs in the later part of the program.


The event culminated with an Exit Program which was chaired by Mesutoba Ao, Associate Professor, Department of History. In the program, the Mock Peer Assessor, Dr. Visakhonu Hibo gave her sincere observations and encouraged all the faculty and staffs to cooperate and coordinate with the college authority when the actual NAAC Peer team arrives. Vice Principal, Fazl Ali College, R. Arenla Aier, delivered the vote of thanks.

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