The Nagaland Wrestling Association (NWA) has unanimously decided to explore ways to reach “unreached wrestling-practicing areas” within the state and beyond. This initiative aims to promote the wrestling discipline, both in Naga style and other national and international styles, by upholding the association’s aims and objectives through organizing coaching and training camps, as well as competitions.

Nagaland Wrestling Association to expand wrestling outreach in state and beyond
NWA Officials along with representatives of affiliated units

This resolution was adopted during the NWA’s first General Assembly (GA) for the tenure 2024-2028, held at the association’s office in Kohima on July 20, 2024.

According to a press statement issued by NWA Joint Secretary Kuzhovesa Soho, the GA, the highest decision-making platform of the association, endorsed the Executive Office Bearers (EOB) to streamline requirements and carry forward plans and strategies for the mission’s further proceedings and implementations.

Technical aspects and provisions of the Naga style of wrestling were approved to be reviewed by a committee headed by the NWA Technical Secretary, with representatives from affiliated units and the NWA central office. The committee was further endorsed to come up with refined and viable provisions, including proper usage of tactics, techniques, rules, and regulations. The house also endorsed the EOB to constitute the committee promptly to ensure timely functionality and accomplishment.

The assembly resolved to give due importance to other national and international styles of wrestling, such as freestyle and belt wrestling, in the larger interest of young and potential wrestlers, and to advance wrestling under a broader horizon.

NWA President Vivolie Kezo, while chairing the day-long assembly, highlighted several provisions of articles enshrined in the constitution and urged all members to be well-versed and equipped with the constitution and to adhere to it accordingly.

The four-hour-long marathon session also addressed other important matters concerning the association.


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