A District-Level Routine Immunization (RI) Microplanning and Strengthening Training was held at the CMO Conference Hall in Mokokchung on September 10. The training featured resource persons including Dr Sheila Longkumer, SMO, WHO; Dr Longri Kichu, SPC, UNICEF; Dr Pangjung Pongen, SBC Consultant, UNICEF; and Imli Longkumer, RPO-UNDP, Directorate of Health & Family Welfare.

Dr Kibangkumba, Chief Medical Officer of Mokokchung, delivered the welcome speech, urging participants to be diligent and ensure that no family is overlooked during RI microplanning. He stressed the ongoing challenge of vaccine refusal despite awareness efforts and highlighted immunization as a cost-effective intervention to reduce child mortality and morbidity from life-threatening diseases.

In her PowerPoint presentation, Dr Sheila Longkumer discussed the current status of RI in Mokokchung. She noted that while the population census is high, the headcount is low, urging that all children be included in the headcount. Dr Longkumer also emphasized the need for a quality communication plan, regular headcount surveys, and ASHA training on the National Immunization Schedule to enhance immunization services.

Topics covered included high-risk areas, eVIN and UWIN, and cold chain and logistics management. Participants also engaged in practical sessions on filling out RI microplanning forms.

The training was attended by Medical Officers, ANMs, CHOs, DPMs, BPMs, DCMs, BACs, Urban Consultants, and partners from WHO, UNICEF, and UNDP.


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