As winning candidates hold thanksgiving prayer ceremonies, the Church’s role in promoting clean elections comes under scrutiny. While thanksgiving is a noble gesture, it raises questions about the Church’s stance on unethical tactics employed during the campaign. Candidates’ use of bribery, tribalism, and cheating to win votes contradicts the Church’s message, undermining its credibility.
The Church faces a dilemma: should it bless victories achieved through unfair means, contradicting its own call for clean elections? By doing so, would it be condoning unethical behavior and compromising its moral authority? Or should it withhold its blessing, upholding its values but potentially alienating its flock? This moment calls for reflection and introspection.
The Church must re-examine its role in promoting clean elections and consider whether its actions align with its values. Only through honest introspection can it maintain its moral authority and truly serve as a beacon of hope for a better future. By taking a stance, the Church can promote a culture of integrity and ethics, ensuring that future elections are won on the strength of ideas, not unethical tactics.
In this critical moment, the Church must choose between compromised credibility and principled leadership. Its decision will have far-reaching implications for the future of elections and the integrity of the Church itself. Will the Church rise to the challenge and uphold its values, or will it succumb to the temptation of political expediency? The answer will define its legacy and impact on the community.
Omega G Naga
41-Churches Colony, Dimapur
98624 66625

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