(In reference to the recent news articles that appeared in the newspapers on the 6th February 2025 and also on 17th February 2025)
Our society today is awash with addictions and indulgences. Amidst many good and positive things that are taking place in our historical, traditional as well as Biblical and contemporary paradigms by the grace of God, our people, especially the youth are also falling prey to the many social evils prevalent. While fashion and trends/influences do not fail to take the young people along with its currents or winds, the real picture seems to say that the magnitude of the problem is not at all small or negligible. Rather it is a mounting challenge increasing day by day and efforts or facilities made or available to handle such inroads/invasions are inadequate.
Addiction to narcotics, alcohol and other intoxicants have become almost all pervasive, affecting families across our society. What are we, as concerned citizens/affected families/people wielding power/influential groups or individuals/government/believers, doing to help?
We have heard of a few rehabilitation centres here and there in our State including Kripa Foundation which has been doing well till now, but we cannot afford to depend on 2-3 rehab centres alone. Rehabilitation centres are not available in many places, thereby leaving many districts with no facilities at all in any form. Medical/health department may be treating some serious cases requiring hospitalization but such cases are only a fraction of all victims or infected/affected cases in different places.
It is said the meaning of “kripa” is Grace, which is a Christian word or concept. Where are the grace-provisions/facilities for those in the grip of intoxicating and narcotic agents like alcohol, drugs, nicotine and related substances? Even the abuse/overuse of medicines like cough syrups, pain relievers, tranquillizers etc. are in need of our attention. Related agents like local tobacco leaves (khuprü), ganja (cannabis indica), poppy (opium) flowers, sunflower etc., not forgetting inhalation of agents like petrol, diesel, adhesives and similar materials. All those tendencies or habits need our attention.
It is not only adult males who are susceptible to such intoxicants and narcotic substances. Women and teenagers (juveniles) are equally vulnerable and should also have access to rehabilitation treatment/facilities. We need counselling and rehabilitation centres that cater to both young and old, male or female.
We are in need of a broad-based structure or framework to tackle this challenge. It is the responsibility of every citizen, besides guidance and assistance from the state government, church, NGOs, Tribal Hohos etc. etc.
We are all aware of the activities of the Red Cross Society to help and provide relief to victims of calamities etc. Similarly, much more should be coming forth from various sections of our society. Some volunteers or agencies can lead, organize, tap resources from willing donors/contributors/helping hands and come forward to co-ordinate with concerned government departments (Medical, Social Welfare, Police, Law etc.) in setting up counselling, detoxification and rehabilitation centres, which can further offer advice/guidance to affected family members, villagers or local churches and other unions or bodies for future follow-ups etc.
We can all begin in our own corners in small ways. Once we start doing, discussing and seeking, I believe the momentum will pick up the movement and God will definitely help us in ways beyond our imagination. So start with prayer and look out what you and I can do from now onward. Lets!
Dr. Dietho-o Yhoshü
South Corner, AG Colony