The Longvibu, General Ningkhan Shimray-MC, VC led elite forces began its touring on 9th October 2024 for Ukhrul, District, wherein that same evening, a brief discussion was held with various CSOs in spite of his weary journey.

The following day, ie, 10th October 2024, the Longvibu addressed a meeting which was held at old UBC/UBC Jubilee Hall, Phungreitang, wherein, attended by people from all walks of life especially, the young generation, wherein, our Longvibu delivered an inspiring speech on various topics (social-political-economy). The bottom line of his message is that the key to bring changes for the future generation is to have the correct policy, correct plan and correct program and not by the barrel of the gun alone. He also stressed that the young minds should rise up and should be the torch bearers of changes and hopes, supported and endorsed by the CSOS.

The Longvibu also made it clear that he is touring & visiting all the Naga inhabited areas not as the chief of the Naga Army or as a member of the NSCN/GPRN, but as a concerned Naga. He also highly stressed on border-related issues and calls for reclaiming back all of our ancestral land which was forcefully taken and encroached by our enemies. He also addressed the congregation for a collective approach towards bringing changes.

The second session of the meeting was held with the working committee and deliberated on the plans & strategies of strengthening the volunteers.

The next day, on 11th October 2024, the Longvibu, as a true patriot and a Naga, in spite of difficult terrain and risk resolved to visit the INDO-MYANMAR border Area, thereby, after reaching Choro village, Kamjong District, our competent Longvibu visited and inspected the FRONTLINE with his most skillful warriors and chalked out a plan with his entrusted Commanders and CSOs to secure the border and to flourish the international trade route. He is the first General in the history of the Naga Army who dares to visit the frontline in spite of all dangers proving that he is more concerned for the Nagas rather than his own life.

The next day, on 12th October 2024, our honorable and most competent Longvibu left Choro for KAMJONG, wherein, we were warmly welcomed by the TNZL chairman, Mr. Nathan Awungshi and his staff and subsequently, a meeting was organized at Kamjong Community Town Hall, which was graced by Rev. Alogel Pastor, UBC, Kamjong. The Longvibu as a true patriot and a concerned Naga deliberated on geo-political and ‘Think Beyond Concept’ and relayed on Psalm 50:15 & 2 Chronicle 20:15 & deeply stressed on restoring our lost ancestral land & calls to move forward with a united approach. He also messaged that the voice of the people is more powerful than a gun & would be heard not only at National level but inter- nationally too. Longvibu also addressed border related issues & showed his strong resentment against the policy of scrapping the FMR & calls for collective approach against the policy of Divide and Rule instigated by the GOI.

Late evening, on 12th October 2024, we reached Ukhrul, where brief interactions and discussions were held with a few selected CSOs. Thus, on 13th October 2024, we headed for Kaziphung, Hungphung, revisiting the sacred prayer mountain (Khuilung). It is noteworthy that, he was called to serve the nation while praying on this very mountain in the spring of 1981, wherein he received a vision of a glorified cross & called to serve for the cause of the Nation & for the glorification of God’s Kingdom, thus after 43 years of hardship & numerous victories, he returns to the KHUILUNG as the greatest and finest General (Longvibu) with his beloved better half to give thanks and prayer to the Almighty God.

Then by noon, we reached Tashar village, the native village of our respected Longvibu, wherein endless rounds of meetings cum interactions were held with various leaders & CSOs which lasted till 14th October 2024, with high profile personalities & CSOs from Chandel District too.

Then on 15th October 2024, we set out for Senapati District & reached Katomei village around 9:45 am, wherein a meeting on socio-political issues cum interaction programme was held at Katomei Community Hall Tahamzan (Senapati) at 11 am organized by the Senapati District Students Association (SDSA). The meeting on a one day awareness programme was graced by Rev. K. Daniel, president, SKABU, hereon, the Longvibu addressed the meeting which was attended by thousands led by SDSA, UNC, NPO, ANSAM, ANWA, NWU & Students/Young generations, He voiced out against scraping of FMR & Border fencing adopted by the GOI to further divide the Nagas. He also asserted that he took the privilege of touring in spite of all the risk to show his support & solidarity to the Nagas, wherever they are & calls for unity & joint approach towards nation building & act quickly against the encroachers of our God’s given land before it’s too late. We Nagas are good only in fighting amongst ourselves. He also emphasizes that we Nagas are only good at grabbing the land of our own brothers but we dare not question or fight our enemies who are encroaching our lands. Why are we Nagas living a timid and cowardly life? We are all willing to die for our private or personal morsel of land but only few are willing to sacrifice for the thousand square miles of ancestral lands, which lie beyond the artificial boundaries. Where it is abundantly flowing with precious stones, jades, gold, diamonds and numerous forest resources etc, yet we are turning a blind eye towards this vast land.

He (Longvibu) also clearly opines that Border fencing is totally unacceptable & stands against it at all cost, he also strongly stressed for protecting our God’s given land from any encroachers and aggressors. He further endorsed strongly for Unity, One heart, One vision and to join as a Collective force so that our voice / people’s movement be heard internationally. He also said that for any changes & solution, the students, the young generation & the CSO’s must play a vital role. The Longvibu also addressed the congregation that he took out his time touring to let the whole Nagas know that the Naga Army are with the people & will always support the Naga cause and people’s movement.

In all his meetings, The Longvibu earnestly beseech the youth to have the ideology of oneness and unity of all the people. As a true revolutionary leader and patriot, he gave a very challenging and motivating speech to thousands of student youths, intellectuals and CSO’s and urged them to carry their own cross and partake in revolutionization. He also stated that God chose the Nagas to be His children and also asserted that the Naga National movement is not of the NSCN/ GPRN alone but it’s a people’s movement and thus, every soul should take part in nation building which is God’s plan.

The Longvibu also emphasized on the thousands of square miles of our ancestral land which lies beyond the artificial border (Myanmar / Assam / Arunachal Pradesh) and strongly opines that political integration through unity is the key to geographical integration, he also express his pain that the Nagas remain as mute spectators when our enemies are encroaching on our ancestral Land, whereas, we stood firm and resolute by fighting against our own brethren over a small piece of boundary within our own demarcated area, he also stated that we Nagas are sovereign and we are our own master. The Longvibu also gave a strong message that our Almighty Lord is slowly turning the tides in the favour of the Nagas.

Finally, we reached GHQ safely by the grace of our Almighty GOD on 16th October 2024, therefore, for their support and assistance, we deeply extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the CSO’s/Public Leaders for guiding all throughout the tour beyond borders. Meetings cum interaction at all the places were warm and successful.

Most of all, the sleepless nights and extensive touring in the interiors and rough terrains had been successful due to the grace and blessing of the Almighty God: and it’s our humble prayer that our Almighty God blessed each and every one who part-took this perilous journey along with our most honourable Longvibu.

Long Live Naga Army – Long Live Naga Freedom Movement

Praise Be To His Holy Name For The Guidance And Protection


-Naga Army Media Wing

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