Ao Baptist Arogo Mungdang (ABAM) Associate Pastor Youth Retreat, Reload, and Renew (3Rs) training organized by ABAM Youth Ministry was successfully held at Impur from April 4-8, 2022. “In a world driven by unfathomable human inventions, ministry particularly the youth has been under threat to the maximum height,” ABAM said in a press release. It further added that, having realized the challenges faced by the Christian youth ministers today, ABAM Youth Ministry organized this ‘3Rs training’ with the objective of “giving spaces for holistic equipment to the Youth Pastors to succinctly tackle all situations.”


Topics covered during the training and the speakers included Counselling (both Theory & Practical), Strategic Planning, Embracing the Baptist Identity (both theory and practical), Dealing with Millennial Generation Issues, Spirituality of Entrepreneurship, Intentional Discipleship, and Impact assessment.


Altogether 86 Associate Pastor Youth from 86 churches attended the training. “As the Youth Pastors continue working in the vineyard of God, may they all find opportunities to avail holistic change to many youths and bring changes in the full system of our society,” Rev. Dr. Mar Pongener, Executive Secretary, ABAM prayed.


Speakers at the training included Rev. Dr. Mar Pongener, Executive Secretary, ABAM; Toshi Sanglir, Secretary, ABAM YM; Rev. Lanuyanger, Nükmen Ao BC, Dimapur; Dr. Akala, Clark Theological College, Aolijen; Dr. Arenla, Clark Theological College, Aolijen; Rev. Temsuwati, Asso. Pastor, MTBA; Er. Imlisunep, Principal, ITI, Mokokchung; Arep Tzüdir, Asso. Pastor, KABA; and Jongshimanen, Asso. Pastor Youth, DABA.



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