The Dimapur Town Nepali Baptist Church Duncan observed the AGBCN Youth Sunday and the 39th Foundation Day of Women’s Ministry on September 15, 2024. The theme for the day, “Long way to go” (Philippians 3:13-14), served as a powerful reminder that our journey with God requires perseverance, dedication, and a willingness to press on.

Under the Association of the Gorkha Baptist Churches Nagaland (AGBCN), all Gorkha/Nepali churches across Nagaland observed AGBCN Youth Sunday, making it a special day for the youth to unite and celebrate their faith.

The program began with an invocation prayer by Youth Pastor Kamal Sharma, followed by a praise and worship session led by the DTNBC Youth Ministry.

The offering was blessed by Mrs. Lily Singh, and the program was skillfully chaired by Miss Sarah Gurung, who ensured the smooth flow of events.

Mrs. Tabita Sharma delivered a short and inspiring message, highlighting the significance of the Women’s Ministry in the life of the church and its impact on leadership.

Both the Youth Ministry and the Women’s Ministry presented special numbers, showcasing their talents and devotion.

Pastor Rajesh Thapa led a special prayer for the youth ministry, women’s ministry, and AGBCN leaders, asking for God’s guidance, wisdom, and blessings.

Scripture readings were delivered by Mr. Chuba Chetri (in English) and Mrs. Asha Gurung (in Nepali), laying a solid foundation for the day’s message.

Mrs. Atsune Veyie Rai gave an inspiring sermon, encouraging everyone to persevere in their walk with God, even when the future seems uncertain.

The program concluded with a benediction prayer by Women Pastor Mrs. Dilu Gurung, who reminded the congregation of God’s enduring love and grace.


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