The Working Committee of the Naga National Political Groups (WC, NNPGs) said today that two years after the signing of the Framework Agreement between NSCN(IM) and Government of India, the Agreed Position was signed by the group with the GoI on November 17, 2017 as desired by the Naga people. NNPGs said that the Agreed Position redefined the scope and parameters of Indo-Naga political negotiations. “That afternoon, the Naga delegation experienced a solemn moment with thankful hearts, sat at a round table when a historic document was signed,” the WC, NNPGs said.


Citing a passage of the Agreed Position, it said that the GoI acknowledged, “…GoI recognizes the political and historical rights of the Nagas to self-determine their future in consonance with their distinct identity…” This, the group said, has an unlimited political horizon to begin the negotiations. “To an unwavering Naga patriot, the paragraph dutifully honoured the Naga aspiration and echoed the immortal words of Mahatma Gandhi at Bhangi Colony spoken to NNC leaders in the month of July, 1947,” it added.


Saying that the very fabric of Naga Flag and all others, symbolic or otherwise, lay within the Agreed Position, the group said, “Despite the vigorous process of assimilation going on, WC, NNPGs have great belief that there is an opportunity for an early acceptable and honourable political solution that would pave the way for Nagas to salvage our ancient democracy, history and culture.” It went on to say that Nagas must “insist, reassert and defend our land” as per Agreed Position and then partner GoI for an enduring peaceful co-existence.


Further, the WC, NNPGs stated that the GoI and the NSCN (IM) were working for a mutually beneficial agenda during their 25 years of ceasefire and dialogue for “assimilation and Indianization of Nagaland” and “amassing wealth of Nagaland.”


“Beginning from 1997, the GoI has utilized the time and energy to assimilate Naga people, their identity, history, culture and their ancestral land, primarily Nagaland state, into a ‘pressure cooker’ social and economic pandemonium. Both knew Indianisation of Nagaland state will lead to Indianisation of the entire Naga homeland,” WC, NNPGs said, adding that it will serve the leaders of NSCN (IM) and GoI well.


It claimed that with the help of GoI, “the tenants” are dreaming to be landlords in Nagaland by hackling and harassing “the owners with symbolic tools like Integration, flag, constitution, Pan Naga Hoho etc.”


“Since 1997, Nagaland has lost two generations and counting. What do GoI or IM leaders care? None. It suits their plan perfectly,” it added.


The WC, NNPGs has also accused the GoI of facilitating the NSCN (IM) leaders to extort in the state and utilise the money to buy and develop farmlands in Dimapur, Chumoukedima and Peren districts.


“With such grandiose luxury accumulated over three decades, it is very easy to hide behind powerful slogans like greater Nagalim, flag, constitution etc., to soak in the wealth of Nagaland for few more decades. This is again mutually beneficial drama,” it added.


The group also said that “these elements will be most precious and desirable if Naga tribes rely on practical aspect rather than be a slave to sentiment and emotion.”



Mokokchung Times News

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