Ao Naga Clan Celebrates Shared Progeny at Historic Gathering

Mongsanger kin hold first conclave after 360 years

2024-02-24 | 09:30h
2024-02-24 | 16:24h

The descendants of progenitor Mongsanger of the Jamir clan held their first conclave on Friday, 23 February, at Tourist Centre, Ungma village. Descendants of the patriarch Mongsanger spread across six villages, namely Ungma, Changtongya, Wameken, Anaki Yimsen, Kelingmen, and Chubayimküm, attended the conclave, which was graced by Dr. Watizülu Süzümeren Jamir, Chairman, Authority of Nagaland (DAN), as a special guest.

This was the first conclave of the Mongsanger descendants of the Jamir clan, a major clan of the Ao Nagas. It was gathered from Onentiba Jamir, a Tatar in Ungma village, that this was their first gathering since the early progeny of Mongsanger migrated from Ungma village about 360 years ago.


Addressing his fellow kinsfolk, Onentiba Jamir exuded hope that the conclave would not only strengthen the bond of Mongsanger descendants but also be a catalyst for unity and peace among the six villages, the Aos in general, and the wider Naga society. He also hoped that the first conclave of Mongsanger’s descendants after 360 years is just the beginning and that the bond among the people with a common progenitor Mongsanger would last long into the future.

Imtitemsu Jamir, a Tatar in Changtongya village, expressed contentment that God has been benevolent to the progeny of Mongsanger and has blessed them with a galaxy of luminaries and eminent personalities – including the likes of Dr. SC Jamir, former Chief Minister of Nagaland and Governor of various Indian states.

Also speaking at the conclave, the special guest Dr Watizülu Süzümeren Jamir spoke on a wide-ranging perspective, urging the gathering for retrospection on certain ‘bitter truths’. He focused his speech on faith, politics, culture, education, and sports and the need to reorient with the changing times with a positive focus on the future. With regard to his kinsmen, he encouraged holding similar fruitful conclaves of the Mongsanger progeny.

The event was chaired by Rarentemjen Jamir, Tatar, Ungma, and Tongpangkumzuk Jamir, president, Tamajang Changtongya. The genealogy of the Mongsanger progeny was shared by Imtilepzuk Jamir, Changtongya, and an exhortation was pronounced by TN Meren Jamir IFs, Retired DFO.

Mokokchung Times


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