After an enchanting and a thrilling competition between the nine youth fellowships under MTBA and the United Christian Fellowship, the Aongza Youth Fellowship with 66 children were declared the winners.


Aongza Youth Fellowship


Tongdentsuyong Youth Fellowship with 91 children and Arkong Youth Fellowship with 80 youngsters were declared second and third place winners respectively.


The 34th edition of the Children Cake Carol Competition 2022 organized by the Mokokchung Town Baptist Church (MTBA) Youth Department under the theme “Christmas Gloria” was held at the Police Point, the town square in Mokokchung on Tuesday evening. Children from 10 fellowships under the MTBA including the United Christian Fellowship participated in the competition.


Aongza Youth Fellowship bagged the first position while Tongdentsüyong Youth Fellowship and Arkong Youth Fellowship bagged the second and third positions respectively.



The competition, also known as C5, saw the participation of over 800 children aged between 6 to 12 years from A&B, A&D, Aongza, Arkong, Kichutip, Medical, Salangtem, Sunrise, Tongdentsüyong and UCF.


Dr L Botoholi Yeptho, Associate Pastor Women, Sümi Baptist Church (B) Mokokchung, during a brief exhortation stated that all the towns in Nagaland should conduct the children Christmas cake carol competition, adding that it is a good initiative of the MTBA Youth Department in bringing unity among the people of the town.


Dr Yeptho, emphasizing on the theme “Christmas Gloria,” went on to say that it is the manifesting of God’s glory in public.


The program also witnessed Ungma Baptist Church Youth Ministry make a special presentation and MTBA Worship Team entertaining the crowd with medleys of classic Christmas songs.


The competition had the following judges:

Yartenba: Music Director, Kumlong Baptist Arogo,

Salangnok: Choirmaster, Aolichen Fellowship, Ungma Baptist Arogo

Lima Lemtur: Presently teaching at Nagaland Bible College