ATMA Mokokchung conducts training and demonstrations across Khensa, Kinunger, and Mekuli Villages

2023-11-13 | 03:09h
2023-11-13 | 03:09h

Mokokchung, 12 November (MTNews): In a bid to enhance agricultural practices, the Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) Mokokchung, Ongpangkong South Block, conducted a comprehensive training, demonstration, and capacity-building program on November 9th and 10th, 2023, across Khensa, Kinunger, and Mekuli Villages.


On November 9th, a demonstration program at Khensa village focused on “Soil and Land Preparation for Root Vegetables.” Bendangkumzuk, BTM (Block Technology Manager) from ATMA Ongpangkong South Block, shared insights on proper soil tillage, removal of large stones and dirt during seedbed preparation. Farmers were instructed on creating raised seedbeds and maintaining optimal spacing. Concurrently, at Kinunger Village, Nuksunginla Jamir, ATM (Assistant Technology Manager) from Ongpangkong North Block, led a capacity-building session on Integrated Nutrient Management for winter crops and the intercropping of Chinese cabbage and bush beans. Emphasis was placed on sowing Danchia seeds on fallow land, using leguminous crops, and incorporating organic manure or FYM during land preparation. The second part highlighted proper spacing, intercultural operations, seedbed preparation, and pest control during the intercropping of Chinese cabbage and bush beans.

On November 10th, a training program at Kinunger Village centered on “Improved Cultivation Techniques of Cole Crops for Higher Production.” Nuksunginla Jamir discussed mixed cropping, intercropping, relay cropping, crop rotation, mulching, organic mulching, timely fertilizer application, and pest control. A total of 25 farmers participated in the training. This was followed by a demonstration on nursery management of Broccoli at Mekuli village. Simultaneously, a Capacity Building program on the promotion of integrated pest management took place at Khensa Village, with Nuksunginla Jamir guiding farmers on pest identification using marigold as an insect repellent. The adoption of crop rotation, trap crops, and companion crops was emphasized.

Farmers were provided with inputs such as winter vegetable seeds, neem oil, general liquid (growth inhibitor), and organic manure fertilizers as part of the program, aiming to empower them with sustainable and improved agricultural practices.


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