Mokokchung, 6 June (MTNews): The Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA) Ongpangkong North Block, Mokokchung organized a training program on “Value Addition of Millets” at Mokokchung Village on 6 June. The participants of the program received hands-on demonstrations by the resource person, Nuksunginla Jamir, Assistant Technology Manager from ATMA Ongpangkong North Block. The demonstrations focused on the preparation of millet biscuits, snacks, and millet banana with walnut cake.



Once known as coarse grains, millets are now recognized as nutritional cereals. They are rich sources of nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, dietary fiber, and good quality fats. They also contain substantial amounts of minerals. The training aimed to encourage participants to explore value addition in millets, which have high demand in the state and can fetch good prices in the market, leading to sustainability and commercial viability.


Leaflets and packaging materials were distributed to each farmer during the training program. A total of 20 farmers attended the session, gaining valuable knowledge on millet value addition.


On the same day, another demonstration on “Mass Multiplication of Waste Decomposer” was conducted at Mokokchung Village. The resource person, Tajungsola Jamir, Assistant Technology Manager from ATMA Ongpangkong North Block, provided hands-on training on the preparation of Waste Decomposer (WD) formulation and its mass multiplication by farmers. The WD can be used for quick composting, in-situ composting, pest and disease control, soil health revival, and seed treatment.

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