Longjang, 3 April (MTNews): Amenty Welfare and Educational Society (AWES) organized the 2nd Educational Trust Award Longjang on 31 March, 2023 for the academic year 2022 at Community Hall Longjang with I Yashikala Jamir, Asst. Prof Fazl Ali College Mokokchung as a guest speaker under the theme “Visualizing the Future.”



According to the Media and Publication Secretary of the Society, Jamir congratulated the Managing Director Imdongshilu Ao and the Board members of the Society as well as the student award achievers and their parents for their dedication and sacrifice, and wished them the best in the days to come.


She also delivered her word of encouragement focusing on the parents-teachers on the day. Speaking on the theme, she added that the most important factor that influences a child is their environment and where the parents play a vital role. She said that parents need to create a favorable and congenial environment while nurturing them during their growing stage.


Managing Director of the Society Imdongshilu Ao felicitated and presented the commendation certificate along with cash to nine meritorious students from class 1-9 from five schools in Longjang.


Longpozem Jamir, convener of the Educational Trust Award Longjang said that the event was organized to acknowledge the students who have made outstanding performance in their field of study.


A special prayer for the awardees was offered by Dr Akok Amer, greetings were delivered by Kajenkaba Aier AKTM President and word of encouragement by S Jongpong Imsong, Chairman SMC Longjang.

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