Indian Meteorological Department, Ministry of Earth Sciences has taken various initiatives in recent years for improvement in dissemination of weather forecast and warning services based on latest tools and technologies Ministry of Earth Sciences has launched the mobile App “Mausam” This mobile app is available both on Playstore and Appstore. This Mobile App is dedicated to the general public and designed to communicate the weather information and forecasts in a lucid manner without technical jargons. Users can access observed weather, forecasts, radar images and be proactively warned of impending weather events.
The MAUSAM mobile App has the following 5 services:
Current Weather – Current temperature, humidity wind speed and direction for 200 cities updated 8 times a day Information on Sunrise/ sunset and moonrise/ moonset are also given.
Nowcast – Three hourly warnings of localized weather phenomena and their intensity issued for about 800 stations, and districts of India by State Meteorological Centres of IMD In case of severe weather, its impact also is Included in the warning.
City Forecast – Past 24 hours and 7-day forecast of weather conditions around 450 cities in India.
Warnings – Alerts issued twice a day for all districts for the next five days in calor code (Red, Orange and Yellow) to warn citizens of approaching dangerous weather. The color code Red is the most severe category urging authorities to take action, Orange code prompts authorities and public to be alert and Yellow code prompts authorities and public to keep themselves updated.
Radar products: Latest Station wise radar products updated every 10 minutes
The Mausam mobile app will be an important tool for dissemination of weather information and warnings in an attractive and user friendly manner which will meet the requirements of public.
The mobile app has been designed and developed jointly by ICRISAT’s Digital Agriculture & Youth (DAY) team, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune and India Meteorological Department.
Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune an autonomous Institute under the Ministry of Earth Sciences has installed a Lightning Location Network with about 48 sensors over various parts of the country and are connected to central processing unit at IITM, Pune This network provides exact information about lightning strikes and movement of thunderstorm path. The network is being expanded with addition of more sensors to Increase accuracy and reliability. Using this network, by ESSO-IITM has developed a Mobile App. DAMINI- LIGHTNING. This App gives exact location of current lightning strikes, probable locations of impending lightning around area of 40 sq km and movement and direction of thunderstorm, DAMINI also lists precautionary steps to be taken during lightning and some general information on lightning DAMINI-App would indeed help in getting advance information about impending lightning activity.
Meghdoot, a simple and easy to use mobile application which provides crop advisories to the farmers based on the weather information. It is a joint initiative of India Meteorological Department (IMD), Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) and Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR).
Advisories are available in both English and local languages An interested user has to download Meghdoot application and sign in using their mobile number and preferred language. The app provides district wise advisories on crop and livestock management issued by Agro Met Field Units (AMFU) every Tuesday and Friday based on the past and forecasted weather information. It will help the farmers to take weather-sensitive decisions like sowing of crops, pesticide and fertilizer application, irrigation scheduling and vaccination of animals.
Apart from the crop advisory, the app also provides current weather information, past and forecasted weather information of five days pertaining to rainfall, temperature, humidity wind speed and direction, which play critical roles in agricultural operations. The app can be downloaded from Google Play Store for Android and App Store for iOS.
This app provides weather information to users location wise. Users can also provide their feedback on this app. App contains dual mode: Quick , Advanced for Weather Feedback.
Issued by MMC