BZ Entertainment, a leading Drama and Film Society, has proudly announced a significant milestone in its mission to raise HIV awareness in Nagaland through an innovative Street Play initiative. “With the support of the Nagaland State AIDS Control Society (NSACS), BZ Entertainment has successfully completed 50 impactful shows across various districts, with 10 more performances scheduled to reach the tour’s ambitious goal of 60 shows,” an update received here said.


According to the team, the theme of the initiative, #Stop_Discrimination_Spread_Awareness, resonates deeply with the communities of Nagaland, where combating stigma and discrimination surrounding HIV/AIDS remains a crucial challenge. It may be mentioned that through engaging Street Plays performed in Dimapur, Kohima, Peren, Tuensang, and Noklak, BZ Entertainment has been delivering vital information about HIV transmission, prevention, testing, and the urgent need to eliminate stigma.

The BZ Entertainment’s journey began on November 17, 2023, with an inaugural show in Dimapur. Since then, BZ Entertainment has captivated audiences across six districts, including Dimapur, Kohima, Kiphire, Peren, Tuensang, and Noklak.

“Each Street Play is carefully crafted to deliver essential information in a compelling and relatable manner, emphasizing the importance of HIV testing and the availability of support services provided by NSACS. Following each performance, attendees have access to free HIV blood tests and counseling services through the NSACS Mobile Integrated Counseling and Testing Centre (MICTC),” it said.

To further empower the audience, BZ Entertainment has taken additional steps to provide resources for those seeking assistance. The contact details of District Programme Officers (DPOs) are prominently displayed at every venue, enabling attendees to inquire about their HIV status and access further support and information.

As BZ Entertainment prepares to embark on the final leg of the tour, with upcoming performances in Kiphire, the organization remains committed to using creative expression as a catalyst for positive change. “Together with NSACS, BZ Entertainment continues to shed light on HIV awareness, spreading hope and understanding throughout the communities of Nagaland,” it added.


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