A four-day Capacity Building on Meat Production under State Plan 2023-24 was organized by the Department of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services, Mokokchung, from 3-6 June 2024 at El-Dora Conference Hall, Mokokchung.
The introduction and keynote address were given by Dr. Tiachuba Jamir, Chief AH & Veterinary Officer, Mokokchung, wherein he mentioned the importance of vaccination in livestock, especially in pigs with CSF (Classical Swine Fever), as the vaccine is available and the disease is prevalent in the district and state. He also emphasized the importance of hygiene practices in meat production and public health safety.
Various topics ranging from animal housing, breed selection, care and management, feeding management, diseases and healthcare, to marketing strategies of piggery and poultry were presented during the course of the program.
Resource persons of the program were Dr. Watitoshi Jamir, Dr. Ketinaro Aier, Dr. Wapangsashi, and Dr. Nemjemyanger Kubzari.
The program was attended by 50 farmers from different blocks under Mokokchung district. During the closing program, a closing remark and vote of thanks were given by Dr. Sanen Jamir, DLDO, Mokokchung, followed by a vote of thanks from the participants and the handing over of certificates of participation.