As the whole world celebrate International Women’s Day under the theme “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow,” women from different spheres of life share their understanding and importance of the theme with Mokokchung Times.


Ruopfuzhano Whiso
Fbb Colors Femina Miss India Nagaland 2018, Content creator, Entrepreneur

When it comes to Gender equality, I think about equality between men and women, not just in fighting for the rights of women but also standing up against toxic standards held for men. Often in our search for equality we forget that there is also a different side, a different group that are struggling as well. So I think the healthiest way we can grow sustainably as a generation is to respect both genders, their opinions and their rights. Only when everyone grow together can there be positive change; without it, there will only be anger, frustration and arguments that never end.


So this Women’s Day, let us be the generation to start the conversation on gender equality on the right foot for a sustainable tomorrow.


Moasenla Imsong,
Miss Mokokchung, 2021


Today, despite women’s significant contribution to economic and social development, they are disproportionately impacted by poverty; while their efforts are undermined due to cultural norms and systemic barriers, it limits their full participation in leadership and key decision-making processes, including decisions that affect them primarily. Unfortunately, the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated the poor socio-economic status of women and threatened the achievement of Sustainable Development.


This emphasizes why women need to take active roles in tackling the Climate crisis; everyone at all levels must #BreaktheBias of all forms of gender inequalities and stereotypes to give women the space they deserve in economic and social development. Guaranteeing the rights of women and giving them opportunities to reach their full potential is critical not only for attaining gender equality but also for meeting a wide range of international development goals.


Empowered women and girls contribute to the health and productivity of their families, communities, and countries creating a ripple effect that benefits everyone.


Nangjenkala Tzudir,
Assistant General Secretary, AKM

Gender equality is the state when people of all genders have equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities. Every individual is affected one way or the other once in a life time – men, women, trans genders, everyone. The impact of this inequality among the community is witnessed more by women, especially in a state like ours where the structure of the society is male dominant. Perhaps, for a prosperous and a balanced growth of a community, role of women plays the pivotal joint. Society that values and considers both men and women equally grows healthier and progress faster.


Every family begins with woman, which is the foundation of all men in the society, and thus, basic understanding of the equality should begin at home and both boy or girl child should be taught and treated equally without distinction.


With many on the motion for women reservation, I would rather speak of equal representation and put forth the challenge to all sections of the society that all men and women are made equal and that every platform should be represented equally.





Narola Jati aka The Biker Cop
ABSI, Nagaland Armed Police

Hello everyone, first of all, I wish every woman around the world a very happy women’s day. And I wish to convey to every woman around the world that we should be proud and thankful to God for letting us to be a woman. God has gifted us with many talents and blessings that we should identify and make use of it. We all have faced and seen so many discriminations around the globe towards women and it in fact hurts our sentiment. But I am also very glad to see that many women around the world and men as well have started the movement to empower women and find their rights. I believe it is a great start and urge every human to think rationally, accept the beauty that lies in woman and support the movement for gender equality.


I, on my part, believe that gender equality will bring many positive changes around the world. God blessed woman with rationality, endurance, management, decision making and many other qualities which will be very helpful in practical life in many areas.



Empowering women and promoting gender equality is the need of the hour around the world. Ending all forms of discrimination against women and girls is not only a basic human right, but is also a multiplier effect in many other aspects. It is also a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. With the gift that God gave us women, Gender equality today will increase economic growth, reduce poverty, enhance societal well-being and help ensure sustainable development around the world. I strongly believe and support this year’s motto “GENDER EQUALITY TODAY FOR A SUSTAINABLE TOMORROW” and I therefore urge every sane being to support and promote gender equality if you wish to see and live in a better world. Thank you all, God Bless and once again wish you all a very happy and blessed women’s day.



Asenla Yanger
Principal, Sakus Mission College, Dimapur

As times and cultures evolve, there is a perceptible change in the traditional gender roles assigned to women and men. From a coy, conservative, confined and largely contained gender role for women, there has been a definite change in the way women have evolved with the society.


With half of the world comprising of women, we are not scant with examples of women who have excelled themselves and championed their cause in various fields of excellence. Throughout history, there are countless women who stand tall in their achievements and influence, towards every aspect of human existence that we know and the list is endless. Talk science, adventure, education, economics, commerce, politics, military, space, sports or whatever that comes to your mind, they have shaped the way the world looks today.


Women today are proud, patient, persistent, productive, passionate and progressive. From womb to tomb, the cycle of life starts with a woman and is nurtured with one. As we talk of gender equality today, let us set aside our male-female difference and together, shoulder to shoulder, holistically develop and support one another to witness and be partakers of lasting prosperity for generations to come. Let’s stand in ovation to these unsung heroes of the society. Let us remember Galatians 3:28, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”


Zuchobeni Tungoe
VLCC Femina Miss India Nagaland 2020


As simple as it sounds , gender equality simply means having the basic human right irrespective of the genders and having able to see things clearly in the same level of parallel perspectives.

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