Ahead of the Lok Sabha election, the BJP-led Central government made a significant move by signing a tripartite agreement with the Tripura government and the state’s main opposition party, TIPRA Motha. This agreement effectively brought an end to the fast-unto-death protest led by TIPRA Motha founder Pradyot Debbarma, who had been advocating for a “constitutional solution” to the issues faced by the state’s tribal population.
Pradyot had been on a hunger strike since 27 February at Hatai Kotor or Baramura Hills in Agartala, demanding resolution for the tribals of the state and a separate statehood known as Greater Tipraland. His protest was temporarily suspended on Wednesday following an invitation from Delhi for talks to resolve the issue. The signing ceremony for the tripartite accord took place in New Delhi in the presence of Union Home Minister Amit Shah, Tripura Chief Minister Manik Saha, Pradyot Kishore, and other senior BJP and TIPRA leaders.
According to reports, the agreement aims to comprehensively address the grievances of the tribal population of Tripura, covering various aspects such as history, land rights, political rights, economic development, identity, culture, and language. It establishes the formation of a Joint Working Group/Committee to implement the agreed-upon points within a specified time frame.
Additionally, all stakeholders involved have committed to refraining from resorting to any form of agitation or protest during this period, starting from the day of signing.
Amit Shah hailed the agreement as a ‘historic’ milestone, emphasizing the government’s commitment to rectifying past mistakes and addressing contemporary realities. He also acknowledged the constructive role played by TIPRA Motha and other tribal parties in reaching this agreement, expressing confidence that Tripura would progress in alignment with Prime Minister Modi’s vision of ‘Viksit Bharat’ (Developed India).
The signing of the accord holds significant political implications, especially in the context of tribal politics in Tripura. With tribals constituting a substantial portion of the state’s population, their support has historically played a crucial role in determining electoral outcomes. The accord is expected to bolster the BJP’s electoral prospects by fostering goodwill among tribal voters, potentially leading to electoral gains for the party in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.
According to Indian Express, sources have said that TIPRA might even consider joining the BJP-led NDA in due course.
Speaking about different accords signed under the Bharatiya Janata Party-led National Democratic Alliance government to achieve peace and stability in the northeastern states of India, Shah highlighted the efforts made to make the North-East terrorism-free, dispute-free, and violence-free.
He mentioned that a total of 11 peace and boundary settlement agreements in the northeastern states have been signed under PM Modi’s leadership.