Kohima, January 12 (MTNews): The Chakhesang Clean Election Movement (CCEM) has decided to take up prohibitory measures against buying and selling of votes in the upcoming election within its jurisdiction.



The matter was decided during the CCEM meeting held at Chakhesang Baptist Church Ministers’ Hill, Kohima on January 12. Citing that buying and selling of votes during elections is the major root cause of corruption among many factors, the CCEM said it will try every effort to control such malpractices within its jurisdiction at its level.


It also appealed to the voters, intending candidates, and party workers to abstain from engaging in unethical voting during the election. Besides that, it also urged the public to abstain from organizing party camps.


It noted that the Church is not an enforcing agency to control, to penalize or impose fine on any party or individual. However, it is felt that the church is a divine institution with the responsibility to keep its members moral behavior intact.


The CCEM also urged church leaders to continue speaking out on clean elections from church platforms, especially with the state assembly election just around the corner.


It decided to continue with the setting up of check gates spearheaded by the Chakhesang Mothers’ Association in order to curb the inflow of alcohol and other contraband substances within its jurisdiction. However, it will be implemented only once the state government grants permission to carry out the activity, as checkpoints have been removed throughout Nagaland.


Other topics discussed during the meeting included area wise update, banners and posters, awareness program in villages. The CCEM members are also scheduled to meet with the district administration at Phek on January 23 for better coordination and to work together towards clean elections.

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