The Chakhroma Public Organization (CPO), one of the oldest social organizations in the state, is set to celebrate its 150th anniversary on November 9, 2024. According to Dr Kevingulie Khro, Convenor, and Sebastián Zumvu, Secretary of the Planning & Organizing Committee for the CPO Sesquicentennial Anniversary, the organization finds mention in British chronicles as far back as 1874.

The duo recalled that the organization was noted by Captain Butler in one of his journals, where he recorded a cluster of Angami villages in the area as the Chakhromah Group.

“These villages could very well have existed as an organized unit much before 1874, but for the convenience of present and future generations, it has been decided in a General Meeting to adopt that year as the year of formation of CPO,” said the convenor and the secretary in a statement.

In anticipation of this milestone event, the CPO has appealed to all Angami Churches in the Chakhroma region to observe a dedicated day to:

· Praise, honor, and give thanks to God Almighty for His faithfulness and providence over the last 150 years to Chakhroma.

· Express joy and gratitude to the Almighty for His benevolence in providing and bequeathing such a blessed and rich land where all Nagas could live together in perfect harmony.

· Pray for the smooth and successful holding of this historic event.

· Pray for the well-being of all the leaders and members of CPO, especially the Convenors and members of the various Committees set up for the occasion.

· Pray for wisdom for all those participating in various capacities during the event.

· Pray for the safety and good health of all delegates arriving from different locations to be part of this momentous occasion.

· Thank all the donors and sponsors of the event for their generosity.

They expressed their profound gratitude and left the scheduling of the observance to the discretion of the churches.


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