Changki, December 28 (MTNews): The Changki Yimlang Baptist Arogo (CYBA) celebrated its platinum jubilee on the theme “Fully anchored in Christ” on 27th & 28th December at Changki village, Mokokchung.




Rev O Alem, who was the main speaker on the second-day of the jubilee, spoke on the topic “The Role of a Church in Re-strengthening Holistically,” on December 28.



Dwelling on the theme, the preacher said “to Re-strengthen Holistically,” the role of the church is to look after the congregation both physically and spiritually, asserting that holistic change should be delivered to the congregation by the Church to become one with the almighty.



Saying that body, soul and the Holy Spirit are one, he said, “We will be convinced of the changes in oneself when we realize and confess our sin and receive salvation in Christ through the Holy spirit.”



He also stated that the way to heaven cannot be delivered to believers if they are just a mere Christian and added that it will instead cost them to lose their salvation.



In this connection, he asserted, “Whatever success you achieved in life, at the end of the day your personal relationship with God will determine your salvation.”



On Day-I Rev Professor Dr Mar Pongener, Executive Secretary ABAM was the main speaker and he also unveiled the jubilee monolith. The Day-2 evening sermon was delivered by Professor Alongla P Aier.



Changki Yimlang Baptist Arogo was started by around 60 households and the Church now has 2010 members.


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