Kohima, 26 February (MTNews): Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio, who is also in charge of the finance portfolio, is set to reveal the Budget for the fiscal year 2024-25 on the second day of the ongoing session of the 14th Nagaland Legislative Assembly on Tuesday.

In his previous budget presentation, Chief Minister Rio set an ambitious overall GST target of Rs 1397.94 crore for the upcoming fiscal year. However, according to Governor La Ganesan, as of December 2023, the state has already collected Rs 995.35 crore, indicating a significant portion of the targeted revenue has been secured.

Despite the positive revenue collection trend, Governor Ganesan emphasized the imperative for further efforts to boost revenue collection. He underscored the importance of enhancing revenue streams to meet the evolving needs of the state.

Chief Minister Rio’s upcoming budget presentation is anticipated to address key fiscal priorities and outline strategic initiatives to support Nagaland’s economic growth and development. The house is also scheduled to take up Matters of Urgent Public Importance under Rule-54 where discussion on Free Movement Regime is expected.

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