The Confederation of Nagaland Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CNCCI) has appreciated the proactive measures taken by newly elected Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) to enhance the state’s towns and municipalities. In a press release, the CNCCI representing the business community has offered its full cooperation and support to these initiatives.

However, the CNCCI raised concerns regarding taxation and collections by the ULBs. While it acknowledged the ULBs’ authority to issue trade licenses, collect sanitation taxes, and impose rent on their assets, it cautioned against implementing additional collections that may conflict with GST laws. The business body cited the previous ULBs’ practices that fostered monopolies and syndicates, leading to price hikes in essential commodities.

The CNCCI further emphasized that any taxation, such as entry taxes and tolls, must comply with existing state and GST laws, cautioning against multiple taxes on the same road. The organization also denounced the leasing of tax collection rights to individuals, which it argued has resulted in abuse and significant fiscal losses for the ULBs.

The CNCCI also urged the ULBs to consult with district chambers before making decisions on tax rates to ensure fair practices that benefit both businesses and consumers. It also called for vigilance against any imposition of new taxes that violate state orders and laws.

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