As society today is often driven by immediate gratification and self-interest, the word that comes to mind when seeking a solution to its ills is “conscience” — the sense of right and wrong that serves as our moral compass, guiding us toward ethical decisions. By making a conscious effort to heed this inner voice, individuals can contribute to the creation of a more just society.

Injustice and unfairness permeate nearly every aspect of our lives, and we often find ourselves accepting behaviors that undermine our collective integrity. Take, for example, the backdoor appointment of government jobs, a practice that has become disturbingly normalized in our society. It is unconscionable to accept such unethical behavior, yet we turn a blind eye, rationalizing our inaction or even participating in these morally questionable practices. Yet, we have normalized it so much so that these people even tithe from their ill-gotten gains! This normalization of corruption and injustice reflects a deeper issue: our collective moral compass is malfunctioning. Instead of challenging these unethical practices, we allow them to persist, eroding the very foundation of fairness and integrity within our society, and as a result, we lose sight of the values that should underpin our society.

Listening to our conscience is vital in addressing these issues. It compels us to reflect on our actions and the impact they have on others. By prioritizing ethical behavior, we can inspire a cultural shift that values integrity, accountability, and empathy. When individuals act in accordance with their conscience, they set a powerful example, encouraging others to examine their choices and consider the consequences.

We need to encourage each other to make conscious efforts to listen to one’s conscience. Only a society that encourages moral reflection can challenge systemic injustices and promote social responsibility. As more people commit to listening to their conscience, we create a ripple effect that encourages trust and cooperation within our society. This collective effort can lead to transformative change, steering our society toward fairness and equality.

The solution to the ills that plague our society lies in our ability to listen to our conscience. It is time to reclaim our moral compass and work together for a brighter future or be left to face a society plagued by injustice and ethical decay.



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