Mokokchung, 6 September (MTNews): Following the allegation posted by musician Abel Asumi on various social media, who claimed that while returning to Zunheboto from Kohima on 5 September after attending the TaFMA Excellence Award, his vehicle was forcibly stopped by a group of “intoxicated individuals” in Chozuba at approximately 08:20 PM. According to him, he was subjected to physical harassment and was told, “We are Chozuba Town Youth Organisation. This is our land, and we have the right to do anything with you.”


In response to Asumi’s allegations, Sumi Hoho wrote a letter to the President of the Chakhesang Public Organisation (CPO), seeking urgent attention to the matter. The Sumi Hoho emphasized the importance of National Highways as public property and the right of every citizen to travel freely without fear of harassment.


The Sumi Hoho regretted that similar incidents had reportedly happened before and, therefore, suggested that the Sumi Hoho and CPO effectively address and eradicate such ‘criminal behavior and harassment’ directed at travelers. The Sumi Hoho also demanded that penalization should be done to the 5 September offenders.


In response, the Chozuba Town Youth Association (CTYA) clarified through a statement that they had received reports from reliable sources about some travelers possessing illegal substances to be transported to Chozuba Town. Therefore, they deployed volunteers to check every passing vehicle to inspect the consignments.


The CTYA clarified that basing on their resolution, adopted on 3 August 2023, the CTYA along with Chozuba Town Women Welfare Society (CTWWS), Chozuba Town Chakhesang Students Union (CTCSU), and Goan Buras (GBs), launched an operation on 5 September 2023 to curb the influx of narcotic drugs and illegal liquor supply within the Chozuba Range.


However, on the same day at around 08:00 PM, Asumi and his companions approached the checkpoint. According to CTYA, the volunteers halted Asumi’s car and approached him “politely” to check his vehicle, but he resisted and “refused to cooperate with the volunteers.”


In this regard, CTYA stated that instead of allowing the volunteers to execute their duty, Asumi started questioning the volunteers in a “boastful and obnoxious” manner, which eventually led to an exchange of arguments. CTYA also refuted Asumi’s claim on social media that he was with his nephew during the incident and argued that there were three passengers with him, including two males and a female. CTYA also alleged that during the interaction, he was found in an “inebriated state.”


Moreover, CTYA claimed that after a short interaction, the arguments were settled, and the volunteers pleaded with Abel Asumi to understand the situation in a positive light, wherein he tendered his apology and was sent off, “wishing him a safe journey.”


However, in response to Abel Asumi’s allegation against the CTYA, stating that the volunteers on duty were under the influence of alcohol and proceeded to physically assault and harass him, CTYA labeled these claims as totally “false and baseless.”


The CTYA therefore urged people to understand the ‘ground reality’ before making comments on any social media platforms.

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