The sword of Damocles is hanging over our heads. A lot of issues are engulfing the Naga society today which, if we are not prepared, would turn chaotic. The most visible issue is the long drawn Naga political problem and the elusive solution that we are all longing for. It is undeniably true that the Naga house is a divided house today. There is not a single pan-Naga organization today to represent the collective voice of the Naga people. We have now become so fragmented, so much so that it looks like it is next to impossible to unite the Nagas. As a result of this division, it appears the Naga people have lost their course and are headed to nowhere. In the process of demanding the ‘solution’, we have pushed the real issue to the backburner. At this rate, the ‘solution’ is likely to bring forth more problems.


Coupled with that is the fact that the state assembly elections are just months away now. We know how our society gets divided along party lines every election cycle. Instead of choosing the right candidate or the right political party based on principles and ideology, elections are when animosity between groups reaches its highest point. The Urban Local Bodies elections are also around the corner. The Supreme Court has already instructed the state government to conduct the ULB elections. In fact, the process has already begun. Whether it will be conducted or not is a different question but we will be faced with some unfamiliar issues either way in all likelihood.


The above three issues are enough to keep the Nagas occupied in the next few months. Coupled with that are the perennial issues of corruption, misgovernance and related socio-economic issues we are faced with. Alcoholism and the rising cases of substance abuse, unemployment, and lack of proper healthcare services, for instance, are real problems we are faced with today. These issues will not subside on their own. There needs to be a conscious and constant effort to mitigate these problems. Unfortunately, there are no thought leaders and intellectuals among us to guide, educate, inform and empower the masses. It is not that there are none but that those who know the problems and are capable of offering solutions are largely remaining mum. For whatever reasons, there is none speaking up to address the problems. This newspaper has since its inception had the intention to offer a platform to intellectuals and concerned citizens to share their views and opinions on the issues that affect the society. Unfortunately, there have not been many takers. It is such a shame that people from other districts are submitting their views and opinions on a wide range of issues to this newspaper for publication but we have received only three or four from Mokokchung’s citizens till date. There are no debates, discourse or dialogue on the various issues among the people of Mokokchung, as if we are intellectually bankrupt. Maybe we are.

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