Deputy Chief Minister and Minister for Home & Border Affairs, Yanthungo Patton, emphasized the significance of unity and peace among villagers at the inauguration of Mmyan Village in Wokha district today. During the ceremony, Patton acknowledged the crucial role played by Yikhum Village in providing land for the establishment of Mmyan Village, which was made possible after a decade-long process.
Patton expressed his gratitude to the villagers of Yikhum for their cooperation in providing the necessary land along with a No Objection Certificate (NOC). He also extended his appreciation to the gathering from neighboring villages of the Englan Range and beyond for their support.
Highlighting the importance of unity and community spirit, Patton urged the settlers of Mmyan Village to uphold their village name and work together for its success. He stressed that the prosperity of the village would depend on the unity of its people.
Addressing the concerns of agricultural decline, Patton lamented the decreasing interest in farming among the younger generation. He noted that previous generations thrived through agricultural practices, including farming and animal rearing, which led to economic stability.
He urged the villagers to revive farming, asserting that the land was fertile with great potential for agricultural production, which could ensure economic independence.
In response to a representation from the villagers regarding road connectivity, Patton assured that he would actively pursue the construction of roads to better connect Mmyan Village.