The Dimapur Ao Youth Organisation (DAYO) has expressed serious concerns over the lack of an operational generator at the Blood Bank attached to the District Hospital Dimapur. According to DAYO, the Blood Bank has been functioning without a working generator for the past three years, a situation they have termed as “utter negligence” and a “total disregard for the lives of Nagaland’s citizens.”

In a statement, DAYO revealed that despite an urgent official letter sent to the Principal Director of the Health and Family Welfare Department (H&FW) in March, requesting a generator, no action has been taken to address the issue.

DAYO noted that the Blood Bank of Dimapur has long served the entire state of Nagaland and parts of Assam. They observed that providing and ensuring the availability of safe, life-saving blood transfusions with matching blood types around the clock requires a complex system of technical expertise and selfless dedication.

DAYO further highlighted the critical need for a power backup system, pointing out that frequent load shedding could result in the loss of precious human lives. “This shameful state of affairs should be immediately rectified; otherwise, the concerned personnel of the Department will be held responsible,” they stated.

Aware of the importance of blood donation, DAYO has been actively spreading public awareness, promoting community participation, and maintaining a functional list of potential blood donors over the years. With the onset of the monsoon season, Dimapur has been particularly vulnerable to dengue outbreaks for several consecutive years.

DAYO warned that if the Medical Department does not take immediate action to address this issue and prepare for potential disease outbreaks, the citizens will not remain silent.


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