Dimapur, 2 December (MTNews): Dimapur Police have apprehended an individual for committing fraud amounting to Rs 3.5 Crore against a Naga woman. In a press release, it was revealed that the police acted upon a complaint alleging that Rev. Timothy Joshi, also known as Joshua and serving as the Pastor of New Life Church Ministry in Kantibhita, Darjeeling, West Bengal, deceived the victim. The fraud involved a business proposal for the purchase of a mystery box, purportedly revealed through divine inspiration, promising fortune and good luck.

The East Police Station team conducted a thorough inquiry, leveraging digital communication evidence, and successfully traced the accused to Kantibhita. Subsequently, he was arrested and presented before the Dimapur Court. A case has been registered to facilitate further investigation into the matter.

The police authorities have issued a cautionary statement urging the public to remain vigilant against such scams. The police emphasized the importance of exercising utmost caution in all business dealings and investments, advising individuals to stay guarded against any attempts by fraudsters.

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