Dr SC Jamir, former Chief Minister of Nagaland and former Governor of Odisha and Goa, lamented the prevalence of corruption and the fear that prevents people, including Church leaders, from speaking out against it.

“Honesty remains the best policy, but in Nagaland, a large majority, including our Church leaders, feel they cannot afford it,” Dr Jamir said. He described a pervasive “fear psychosis” that stifles truth-telling and a burdensome array of both constitutional and extra-constitutional authorities weighing heavily on the people. This environment, he argued, has allowed corruption to flourish unchecked in the Christian-majority state.

Dr Jamir decried the widespread acceptance of bribery and economic offenses, likening the situation to a “bubonic plague” destroying the souls of Naga Christians. He highlighted that the governance of the state is in disarray due to the multiplicity of authorities and called for a complete overhaul of the system and societal character.

“The sinews of Naga society have been severely maimed by our own weapons,” he said, warning that without comprehensive reform, Nagaland will remain dormant. He urged Naga Christians to rise above tribalism and factionalism, embracing the unity and values taught by Jesus Christ.

Dr Jamir emphasized that the future of Nagaland lies in the hands of Naga Christians, calling for a revival of the true spirit of Christianity as planted by early missionaries. “Time to revive the true spirit of Christianity implanted in our soil by the pioneering servants of Christ,” he urged, advocating for a return to the foundational Christian values that once united the people of Nagaland.

(Read full text here)


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