Police in Mokokchung have been making arrests of drug peddlers regularly, the most recent being two arrests made in the last week. Two of the most common contraband drugs, as indicated by police confiscations, are brown sugar and spasmo proxyvon capsules. While a number of petty peddlers have been arrested, it is still not clear who the kingpins are. A number of arrests have been made at Watiyongpang police check post which indicates that it is sourced from neighbouring Assam. There have also been instances where the accused were travelling in two-wheelers, which indicate that the source is not too far away from the border. Those arrested by police in the recent past also include peddlers from the neighbouring districts as well, another indication that drug use is prevalent in those districts as well. It is also believed that the contraband drugs are also sourced from Dimapur but the police are yet to bust the drug racket. Judging by the efforts being made as well as the result of successful arrests made so far, it is hoped that the police will sooner or later zero in on the lynchpin. That is what people hope for.
However, containing drug menace is not the lookout of the police alone. The community must be equal partners in addressing the drug menace. Informing the police about suspects without fear or bias is the least members of the community could do. At the same time, there is an urgent need to look deeper into the menace. Those who abuse drugs or are drug dependent are in most cases likely to be facing mental health issues and depression. It is said that drugs like brown sugar, which is heroin, are so addictive that those who use it even once or twice become dependent on it. Moreover, it is said that a person on heroin may not look like they’re “on drugs.” They may just seem sleepy. People who are addicted almost always deny that they’re using. People who use brown sugar, or smack as it is also called, most commonly show signs of weight loss, loss of appetite, insomnia, lack of concentration and depression.
Reliable sources have reported that the number of drug users are increasing in Mokokchung. Apart from brown sugar and SP, there are many other contraband drugs available in the black market. While alcohol abuse is a big issue in itself, our society cannot afford to live in denial and ignore the existence of drug supply in our localities. The menace of drugs needs to be openly dealt with before it is too late. However, dealing it with force alone may not be successful nor is it always necessary. We need professional help.