Twenty-seven club members led by the Executive Council of Eco Club, Fazl Ali College conducted a variety of activities to commemorate World Earth Day 2022 on April 22. To commemorate the day, an update from the college informed that the members undertook a Peace Walk across Chuchuyimpang village by pasting handmade posters to create awareness in the community. In adherence to this year’s theme “Invest in your Planet” the members also planted some trees in the club’s Organic Garden, within the college vicinity.


Simultaneously, the club also listed “52 Ways in which one can invest in your planet” and circulated in the college with the hash tag #What Will You Do for your planet. The event saw participation from faculty, students and alumni through the various activities each undertook in their respective homes as well as in the college. The day also saw celebration and bonding among the club members who winded the day with a short green talk and potluck.



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