Dimapur, 5 September (MTNews): Eight apex Tribal Hohos, including Angami Public Organization (APO), Ao Senden, Chakhesang Public Organization (CPO), Lotha Hoho, Pochuri Hoho, Rengma Hoho, Sümi Hoho, and Nagaland Zeliang People’s Organization (NZPO) met for a consultative meeting on 30 August 2023 convened by the Nagaland Tribes Council (NTC) in Dimapur.


The meeting was held with the agenda of “better understanding of NTC and related matters” among its member tribes. Notably, CPO and NZPO conveyed their inability to attend the meeting due to prior commitments.


The consultative meeting, which began at 11 am, witnessed a day-long deliberation with extensive discussions and the exchange of views and opinions among the participating tribal representatives. At the culmination of these discussions, the house reached a unanimous decision and adopted a resolution.


It resolved that there is a need for “a formidable common platform of the Nagas of Nagaland.” Recognizing the impending end of the NTC Office bearers’ current tenure by October 2023, the resolution underscored the necessity “to further synchronize with the Tribal Hohos including the tribes under ENPO jurisdiction so as to strengthen the understanding and reconstitute the new team on time.”

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