Electoral Gambit or National Security?

2024-02-09 | 02:42h
2024-02-09 | 02:42h

India’s unilateral suspension of the Free Movement Regime (FMR) along the India-Myanmar border exposes itself as a bully nation. While Home Minister Shah parades “national security” as justification, the truth is far uglier – a naked power grab that tramples on Naga identity and disregards historical ties.

The Naga Students’ Federation’s (NSF) impassioned plea to the UN lays bare India’s true agenda. The proposed fencing and FMR abolition reek of neo-colonial land grabs, aiming to fragment Naga territory and silence dissent. India’s justifications crumble under scrutiny. The “porous border” narrative conveniently ignores its own failure to effectively patrol its side. The demographic bogeyman reeks of prejudice, targeting communities with deep historical roots in the region. Security concerns can be addressed through collaboration and improved surveillance, not draconian walls that sever communities and livelihoods. True security lies in addressing root causes like poverty and unresolved political issues, not erecting walls of isolation.


India’s might-makes-right approach sets a dangerous precedent, threatening indigenous communities and regional stability. The FMR suspension is not just a border issue; it’s a stark reminder of India’s neo-colonial legacy and its disregard for the rights and aspirations of its diverse peoples.

Or, in hindsight, this could be another electoral ploy by the ruling party. Exploiting national security issues and acts of terrorism to further political agendas and fuel the electorate’s hypernationalism has long been the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) political playbook. Is this part of Modi’s plan to win 400+ seats for the BJP-NDA in the upcoming Lok Sabha election, aiming to secure all 25 NE region seats as envisioned by the BJP?


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