In the information age, where news travels like a wildfire and the boundaries of journalism are constantly evolving, the concept of the traditional journalist has expanded to include all of us. This transformative phenomenon, known as citizen journalism, deserves our recognition, celebration, and participation.


Citizen journalism is the practice of reporting and disseminating news by ordinary people without professional journalistic training or affiliation. It is often enabled by the proliferation of smartphones and social media platforms, which allow individuals to capture moments, tell stories, and share information with the world in real time.


Citizen journalism has emerged as a powerful force for good, democratizing information, amplifying marginalized voices, and empowering individuals to be active participants in the information age.


At its core, citizen journalism democratizes information. It is not confined to those with press credentials; it is open to anyone with a message to share. This diversity of voices adds depth and breadth to our understanding of the world. It provides fresh perspectives and fosters a more comprehensive and authentic portrayal of events.


But citizen journalism is not just about observing and reporting; it is about accountability. It also serves as a powerful check and balance, enabling individuals to expose corruption, injustice, and human rights violations. By shining a light on issues that might otherwise remain hidden, citizen journalists contribute to a more just and accountable society. Moreover, citizen journalism inspires change. It goes beyond reporting problems; it tells stories of resilience, community activism, and grassroots initiatives. These stories have the power to motivate others to take action, creating a ripple effect of positive change. However, citizen journalism should be embraced responsibly and ethically. Uphold journalistic ethics, verify information, respect privacy, and avoid hate speech.


At Mokokchung Times, we believe that citizen journalism does not seek to replace professional journalism; rather, it complements it. It enriches our understanding of the world, amplifies marginalized voices, and empowers individuals to be active participants in the information age. We are ready to share our platform with citizen journalists.


By becoming citizen journalists, you contribute to a more informed, connected, and accountable society. Pick up your smartphones not just to capture moments, but to capture the truth and inspire change. Your voice matters, your stories matter. Embrace citizen journalism, and together, let’s be the change we wish to see in the world. Or, at least in our community.

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