The Erchit Ministry, in collaboration with Aliba Baptist Church, organized a free medical camp at the Aliba Baptist Church premises on July 13, 2024.

Erchit Ministry and Aliba Baptist
The Chief Medical Officer, Dr Kibang Imchen, encouraged all the people in the village to avail themselves of the service while the doctors were available.

Dr Toshila, District TB Officer, highlighted awareness on TB, accessibility to treatment, and stigma. Awareness on Child Helpline works and functions was also presented to those gathered by Imnatula.

The doctors and staff who participated in the camp were Dr Kibangkumba (CMO), Dr Marina (MS), Dr Mar (SMO), Dr Toshila Jamir (DTO), Dr Maongtula (MD), and Dr Akumtemjen, MO Sabangya PHC and staffs of AHWC Aliba.

The patients received treatment from different departments, including Orthopedics, Medicine, NCD, Optometry, and TB testing.

A total of 121 patients received free treatment and medicines, as informed by the members of Erchit Ministry.


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