Mokokchung, 24 February (MTNews): The fourth-semester Sociology honors students of Fazl Ali College, Mokokchung, on 24 February undertook a community extension service by visiting Longkhum village. Their focus was on the theme ‘Exploring community-based tourism initiatives in Longkhum village.’

FAC Longkhum
Rongsenmeren, an alumnus of FAC and a member of the Longkhum Students’ Union, provided a brief presentation on the various tourism activities being carried out in the village by the Village Community Tourism Committee. He also highlighted the Longkhum village tourism website launched last year and its role in providing tourists with better knowledge and insights about the various attractions in the village. Furthermore, he pointed out the gradual growth of community tourism in the village, albeit at a slow pace.

Following a brief discussion session, the students explored various historical and tourist spots within Longkhum village. The contingent comprised 42 students and 5 teachers, all with the purpose of gaining insights into community-based tourism initiatives in the village.

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