Imagination is the ability of forming mental images, sensations and concepts in a moment when they are not perceived through sight, hearing or other senses. It is the product of imagining, a conception, and a mental creation. It can work together with ideas, and the key to imagination is to think without any restrictions or barrier, such as worries, about the ability to carry out the plan due to financial constraints or lack of ‘political support’.
Imagination is more important than knowledge, as Einstein rightly said, and successful entrepreneurs are those who imagine their success before they actually achieve it. It is said that once you start imagining yourself as a successful entrepreneur, then you will not only come up with a lot more entrepreneurial ideas, but your imagination will also keep you motivated to do much more hard work. Imagination is not day-dreaming but a conscious mental creation, an essential set of tools that can lift, launch or transform careers.
Speaking from the societal perspective, imagination is our gateway to a better world; it is the blueprint for progress that is not shackled by any impediments that often prevent us from forging ahead. When we imagine what might be, we venture out beyond stiff boundaries of mental captivity. Imagination is the foundation for all human invention and innovation. Harnessing that power of imagination – the power to “think outside the box”, to think laterally – is the way to go if we want to be solving social issues.
Nagaland’s economic horizon may be darkening, leaving the people without much hope of sunshine. But we need to see the light between the clouds. It is no surprise that unemployed youths choose entrepreneurship after months, or years, of job-search (government) misery. The social conditioning is so strong that failing to land a government job, by hook or by crook, is considered a failure in life! It is time for “misfits” to challenge this idea of regarding government jobs as the only job opportunity. Better still, it is time for our youngsters to imagine. Like a muscle, our ability to imagine will atrophy if not exercised.
Entrepreneurship is not for everyone; it is but for a few smart, intelligent and courageous people who can think out of the box; it is for those who can imagine.Entrepreneurship is for people whose power of imagination is bigger than the fear of failure.