This is the second clarification made to all concerned and to the Working Committee, Naga National Political Groups based in the state of Nagaland (WC, NNPGs) from Federation of Haomee regarding the misconception on the phrase defending the territorial integrity of Manipur state which was coined by you. We have never ever used the phrase “to defend territorial Integrity of Manipur” and the same had been clarified in Ukhrul Times.
However, we reproduce the same for your kind knowledge. Ukhrul Times reached out to Yazing Vicisy, Secretary General, Federation of Hanmee over the controversy surrounding the news report clonfied that the paper [The Sangai Express) misinterpreted the term ‘tramdam” in their statement i. Tramdam which means ‘my land’ is coined in our statement, but the meaning of this term was misconstrued. What Federatiion of Hoomee meant in the statement was the land of individual villages. The villages signed the agreement as per their own village capacity and never intended the sense of ‘state’ nor the term Manipur was coined in the statement.” We will be pleased if you provide from which source you procured otherwise we will seek legal help.
And for your kind knowledge, the Tangkhul village chiefs (Federation of Haomee) and Meities as you mention is incorrect. Federation of Haomee is an apex civil society organisation of indigenous communities of Manipur. Whereas the Tangkhul village chiefs as you reported is not known and related to us. It is not possible by a few villages’ decision to protect the entire of Manipur as you construe in your statement. The Federation of Haomee had no such narrow intention.
(Yazzing Vicisy)
Secretary General
Federation of Haomee
(Dr. K. Heera Kabui)
Vice President
Federation of Haomee 
(Sapamcha Jadumani)
Federation of Haomee 

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