Lepzungchiba Jamir made history as the first Naga to become a Life Member, Category (A) Corporate Member at the National Bee Board (NBB). A thanksgiving program was held in his honor at Hotel Japfü on June 3, 2024.

First Naga inducted as Life Member at National Bee Board
Lepzungchiba Jamir

The NBB, established in June 2006, focuses on advancing beekeeping in India to enhance crop productivity and increase honey production, benefiting beekeepers and farmers.

During his speech, Jamir expressed gratitude for the honor and stressed the collective effort behind his achievement. He emphasized the importance of community support in achieving great goals, echoing the adage, “it takes a village to raise a child.”

Excited about his new responsibilities, Jamir looks forward to the challenges and opportunities ahead and seeks continued support and collaboration.

Mokokchung Times

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