A follow-up meeting regarding the poor road conditions on NH 702D Mokokchung-Mariani road was held in the DC Conference Room on August 6, 2024, a DPRO Mokokchung report said. The meeting, chaired by Thsuvisie Phoji, NCS, Deputy Commissioner of Mokokchung, was attended by the District Administration, PWD NH, Ao Senden, Contractor M/s Affluent, and the Mokokchung District Truck Owners’ Association (MDTOA).

NH 702D
In this file photo, a commercial truck carrying sand is seen nearly capsized due to the deplorable condition of the road near Longtho, NH-702D, Mokokchung. The commercial truck owners of Mokokchung and nearby districts have ceased operating since 28 July 2024, demanding that the road be made passable.

A team comprising Ao Senden and the MDTOA visited NH702D on August 5, 2024 during which they discovered that no maintenance work had been carried out since the first meeting on July 30, 2024, where the contractor had promised to expedite road repairs to facilitate the movement of essential commodities. In this regard, Ao Senden and MDTOA expressed their deep displeasure with the contractor for not honoring his words, the report said.

Ao Senden briefed the meeting on the hardships faced by Mokokchung District and neighboring areas due to the shortage of essential commodities and urged all stakeholders to speed up the work at the earliest.

The report said that MDTOA concurred with Ao Senden, stating that the road is still not motorable. The only acceptable condition for all in the given circumstance would be to accelerate the work progress and to make it motorable within the shortest possible time, the report added.

At the same time, the contractor was also instructed to ensure that more manpower and machinery are actually engaged at the work sites and ensure a continuous supply of materials so that the road is made motorable within the shortest possible time, at any cost not extending beyond the current week.


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